In poem form (max: 200 words), we want you to tell us about your bff. Maybe it's a funny memory you share, or a time they saved your butt. You feel it, we want to hear it. And here is the best
part: If your poem is selected, not only do you get a scholarship, but your bff gets one, too! From
You Flowers hopes that candidates will use this time where you may not get to see your bff as much
to tell us about them and show off their creativity, while also providing candidates financial
assistance toward their educational endeavors.
In addition to entering your poem, we encourage all participants to share a photo with their bff on Instagram with the hashtag #FYFBestBuds
Scholarship Details
$1500 to applicant and up to one friend. The scholarship is eligible to students enrolled in an
undergraduate or graduate program for Fall of 2020 at an accredited U.S. college or university, paid
one time upon proof of enrollment.
The deadline to apply for the scholarship is Sunday, May 31, at 11:59PM EST. All entries need
to be submitted to [email protected].
Winner will be announced on June 30, 2020.