Looking for the perfect carnations for delivery? From You Flowers offers a wide selection of carnations for delivery! Arranged with red carnations, white carnations, and yellow carnations these colorful well-know flowers complete the perfect bouquet.
Looking to have carnations delivered today to a home or workplace? From You Flowers would love to help. Our carnation flower arrangements have the option for delivery today so you will be sure to celebrate that birthday or new baby today. If you need assistance while ordering feel free to call us 24 hours a day, we are here for you with top notch customer service. With beautiful carnations in our Christmas flower delivery and birthday bouquets, we have you covered to assist with all your gifting needs.
While some flowers have very simple meanings, carnations are one of the more complicated species in the flower language, with a variety of different meanings based on shade and even the day they are used. Here's what you should know!
Red carnations do have particular meanings, but a lot can depend on the shade. Light red carnations traditionally mean admiration or adoration. However, they aren't typically associated with direct romance or even physical attraction. This is a very popular "fan" flower to send to beloved performers, for example. It's a bit flirty without being too forward, but can also simply express that you really like what someone has done.
Darker red carnations are less subtle and much more direct: They mean love and affection, very similar to the way red roses are used. A dark red carnation sends a very specific message of romantic interest, and can be used to celebrate a deep and ongoing love. As you can imagine, if you want to say something with flowers, don't mix up light red and dark red carnations!
What if your red carnations look a little pink? That's another issue altogether. Generally, pink carnations symbolize gratitude and motherly fondness. Dark pink carnations - which may be particularly easy to mistake for red carnations - in particular mean tenderness and fondness. They are sometimes used to signify budding interest or romantic possibilities, but in a very polite way.
If you aren't sure what exact color of carnations that you are getting, it's a smart idea to look at the label to see if it specifies. When in doubt, ask an experienced florist what color the carnations are so you don't make any mistakes. If you order flowers online, only order from a professional retailer with good reviews so you have some guarantee of the results.
*Product availability may vary depending on your delivery zip code. Standard shipping and delivery charges start as low as $14.99.