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Albany Flower Delivery

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Albany Flower Delivery

Send Flowers to Albany today! Our local city florist partners offer hand-arranged and delivered flowers to Albany, for less. Whether someone you love is celebrating a birthday or an anniversary in Albany, our local florist partners are ready to deliver fresh flowers to all your loved ones in Albany. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed for same day Albany delivery.

Showing 1 thru 30 of 254 "Albany Flower Delivery" items

Hudson Valley Community College
175 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206

Maria College
700 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

Albany Memorial Hospital
600 Northern Boulevard
Albany, NY 12204

St. Peter's Hospital
315 S Manning Boulevard
Albany, NY 12208

Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
113 Holland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

Local Albany partner florists are available to create a beautiful flower arrangement for you today.

Albany Flowers & Plants

Albany was named after the Duke of York's Scottish title, "Duke of Albany" in 1664 when the English took control of the area. Prior to being named Albany, the settlement was called Beverwyck ("beaver district") after the animal created a lucrative fur trade for the Dutch. Albany, however, remained Dutch in language and customs until the American Revolution.

Plants and flowers native to Albany include but are not limited to: Winterberry, Sweetfern, Eastern Prickly Pear, Marsh Marigold, and Mayapple.

Planning a visit? Visit one of Albany's parks and gardens.