Send a Single Rose as an act of love. These single rose bouquets are arranged by florist and delivered by hand. The single roses are perfect for a Valentine's Day or Anniversary gift.
Send a cute rose gift by sending a single stem rose bouquet. We offer three different colored rose stem arrangements including a single red rose for delivery, as well as a white, pink or yellow rose stems. These small rose gifts are a wonderful way to say I'm thinking about you today or to send to your daughter at her school for her birthday. Single rose delivery today is easy when you are working with From You Flowers' florist partners who can arrange and deliver a single rose bouquet if you place the order before 3pm in the delivery zip code. If you are unsure if a single rose will do feel free to look at our purple roses which have become really popular recently for their bright color.
Every woman I know appreciates getting flowers. Whether it is a beautiful, elegant bouquet of roses or a gardenia that my boyfriend has pilfered from a neighbors' yard, flowers are a thoughtful gift. There are times when a bouquet of roses may be a bit too much, especially if you don't know the person very well. Giving a dozen roses may seem a little too much if you are just starting a relationship and may frighten off a potential suitor, who may think you are too serious, too early. But don't forgo flowers altogether, there are occasions when a single rose is a perfect gift.
Believe it or not, there are times when a single rose is preferable to a dozen roses. Here are a few scenarios when a single rose is a perfect gift including a first date, the day after a great date, a gift for a kid or just because romantic gift.
The color of the rose you choose is also an important decision as each color has significance. Single roses are available in a red single rose, white, yellow, peach, purple, pink and black. All these single rose colors are amazing gifts, for different reasons.
*Product availability may vary depending on your delivery zip code. Standard shipping and delivery charges start as low as $14.99.