Long stemmed roses symbolize feelings that run deep. If you want to let a special someone know how deeply you care, send long stem roses today.
Looking for beautiful long stem roses to send to your special someone? From You Flowers has an amazing collection in our online flower store. You will have no problem finding a stunning rose bouquet to wow them. Perfect for anniversaries or valentines day gifts, they will know how much you love them. When you order from FromYouFlowers.com all of flowers are arranged by a local florist and hand delivered to a house or office. Yes, you read that right. We use local florist near your recipient to put the flowers together with care.
If you need roses with long stems delivered today, just order before 3pm in the recipients zip code to assure for same day delivery. Your loved one will say wow when they receive florist arranged purple long stem roses or one dozen red roses hand delivered to them. From You Flowers is also here for you 24 hours a day for any assistance you might need. Because all of us here want to be here for all of you flower needs.
Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world. As the name suggests, long stemmed roses have longer stems compared to the short stem version. The long stem roses are typically about 23 inches in height and the bud on the top is about 1.5 inches in diameter. They are a particularly popular choice for flower arrangements and gifts. Roses are symbolic of love, friendship, and life. Roses are grown in many places over the world and come in numerous colors including red, orange, pink, white, yellow, and more. Long stemmed roses tent to further enhance the appeal of the flower making it an ideal flower for different types of occasions and relationships.
It should be no surprise that roses can first gained popularity in Roman and Greek culture as the flower associated with Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Each color of the long stemmed roses has its symbolic meaning. For example, a bouquet of long stemmed red roses is a symbol of love and perfect for wedding anniversaries. Similarly, yellow roses are most associated with friendship and happy feelings.
The most common long stemmed roses are typically hybrid tea roses. These particular types of roses were born from crossing Tea roses with the hybrid perpetual roses. The cross allowed long stemmed roses to have ideal characteristics of the parent flowers including a long sturdy stem and well-formed bloom on the top. The sturdy long stem allows the roses to be used in a vase as a flower arrangement.
Long stemmed roses are more expensive compared to other variations of the roses. This is because long stemmed roses require more effort in farming. They require a delicate farming process that requires daily care and attention for long stemmed roses to reach their potential in beauty and size. Long stemmed roses can only support a single bud, so that requires extra care from the farmer and only a limited number of long stemmed roses can be produced.
*Product availability may vary depending on your delivery zip code. Standard shipping and delivery charges start as low as $14.99.